Wednesday, September 14, 2011

after every storm...

there is a rainbow. we weathered the heatwave, stayed grounded during the earthquake and survived hurricane irene. and laura and darrell were clearly my rainbow! i was thrilled when laura, a longtime classmate and friend contacted me about her upcoming wedding
it was great to meet the man that has the key to her heart, and these two share a bond that is truly unique! i am so excited for the great things next month has in store! stay posted for updates!
oh and can i just say, laura you ROCKED the boots!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

life is...

amazing! i am blessed to have two gorgeous girls that welcome me home every day with hugs, kisses and excitement that's comparable to kiddos on christmas morning. and although i loved him first, the love of my life, their daddy, is pretty amazing too!   and i thought that perhaps i spoiled them a bit, but daddy, hands down takes the cake. the bond that he shares with his girlies is simply amazing to see and i was lucky enough to have camera in hand to capture the bond they share. abby & bella think the world of him...maybe i'm biased, you be the judge!

my inspiration...

so i've come to the realization that although i am a proud momma to TWO furbabies, i have neglected to share their (mommy goggles on) gorgeous here they are! Abigail Faith and Isabella Hope, more commonly Abby and Bella! and i've been asked more times than i can count, since i LOVE babies so much, when am I going to have one...and i kindly reply, i have two...and they are all i need!

...time flies

but i was so happy to be able to spend some with jayden! talk about a gem with a heart of gold and healthy appetite! and jayden not only looks like a cherub, he is one! the sweetest, happiest baby ever! he's proud to show off his pearly whites...