Sunday, February 10, 2013

...the sweetest valentine

this gal has my heart! i know i've said it before, but how lucky am i to be able to watch these amazing little beauties grow? i first met lilly 6 months ago and she is just delightful. her parents are awesome and are your "go with the flow" kinda people. it's is the happiest, most relaxed baby, seriously. she melts my heart. and i think the baby levi's, oh they are just too cute for words!

i remember when...

he came home from his first day of kindergarten and said, "i'm ready to quit school, i don't like it." haha and here he is, a senior and i couldn't be more proud of the amazing guy he has become. his resilience is enviable and spirit will amaze you. congrats to the BEST brother i could ever have! oxo
"The reason why your windshield is larger than your rear view mirror is because where you're going, is greater than where you've been"

Friday, February 8, 2013


to about a month ((or two)) ago. these cuties came back to visit for christmas portraits. as always, we had a ball. savanna was sooo excited to wear the dress her momma asked me to make for her. super easy, super cute, just like these pictures!