Monday, October 28, 2013

love lil' mr. logan....

and his VERY healthy set of lungs. i've always said that the smaller they are, the more they run the show, and logan did not want to make a liar out of me! i was so happy to meet this handsome lil man, who came all the way from frederick. he did give me a pretty BIG gummy smile, which almost made me forget about the lung exercises. haha
logan is the cousin of my lil' friend jd.  jd may be slightly jealous that now that he is not grammy's only baby.(((see picture number 3!))) but jd was great with his cousin, and had me cracking up.
logan's momma and pappa are absolutely in love with this lil miracle...i am too!


Sunday, October 27, 2013

fabulous fall

family! i had the pleasure of capturing some memories for my co-worker and her adorable family. these kiddos were awesome! we tried a new (to me) location at Gilbert Run State Park. we had a blast, even though brandon wasn't a huge fan of my crazy self, we still managed to get some smiles. so glad that fall weather and colors are finally here!


Friday, October 18, 2013

this little family...

is growing too! it's crazy when i think back that Zachary was one of my first babies, since i got back into my groove, and decided to give photography another whirl. fast forward three years, and now he is a BIG brother. lil miss Kelsey and her family came over for a session, and i didn't want them to leave. love babies and big kids, love what i do. oxxo

Sunday, October 13, 2013

i mustache...

how adorable these two are! and how sweet is that binky?!? i was thrilled to spend an afternoon with this growing little family. hunter was only days old and so alert for his little age. i think he didn't want to miss anything. lilly is the sweetest sister, and i think she was pretty happy with the new addition. an incredible little family, and an awesome time! oxxo