Sunday, July 27, 2014

babies have this way...

of making time stand still and bringing families together. there is something about a new baby that gets me EVERY time! babies are AMAZING! so i was thrilled when tracy asked me to take portraits of her granddaughter. and if i thought tracy was awesome (which she is) the awesomeness just poured out when i met the rest of her family. BIG brother devin is just smitten with his lil sister, as is the ENTIRE family. but seriously, whats not to love. lil miss peyton was awesome! and when peyton and i were in her nursery and she got fussy, who came flying upstairs asking what i was doing to his baby sister to make her cry?!? BIG brother devin. peyton will have no problems when he is around! so here's to an incredible family. thanks again for making me feel at home, and more importantly for letting me snuggle this lil gem after the session! oxo

Monday, July 21, 2014

summer & sand....

and hannah totally owned her beach session. we spent some time in solomons and even got our toes in the water, hello summer!
i remember this beauty from my way back when i worked at the studio. (((over ten years ago, but who is counting?!?)) her momma and i reconnected at the gym and the rest is history! hannah is nothing short of a charming, unique and strong willed darlin'...this girl is going places. i admire her for being exactly who she is! by the end of the session i had sand in my toes and hair, which means we had fun! oxxo

Thursday, July 10, 2014

here's to wishing....

the sweetest one year old girl a HAPPY BIRTHDAY. but seriously annie, you have to stop growing so fast. please! and even though lil miss annie is teething, we were still able to get some smiles from this cutie. annie has more expressions than most people i know. sometimes i wish i could know exactly what she is thinking, although most times i'm pretty sure its something along the lines of, "lady you crazy, i'm not smiling." happy birthday you lil' ray of sunshine! oxxo

Monday, July 7, 2014

happy birthday

BRANDON we had a ball! this lil guy was right at home at the ball field. he was soaking up every minute. the weather cooperated and in between the rain, we were able to make some great memories. and this is why i LOVE what i do; i get to watch these kiddos grow up. and it seems like just yesterday he was still in his momma's belly, and now a year later he is going to be a BIG brother. super excited for this awesome family to grow. love is amazing! oxxo adorable was his baseball cake?! i think he loves cake as much as i do! and HUGE thanks to kenzie, momma's first baby for assisting with clean up!

Sunday, July 6, 2014

beach babe...

just like his big sister! both kiddos love the sand and the sun! hunter was so content at his nine month session at the beach, aside from trying to eat the sand, he loved every minute of it. he even stayed asleep long enough for me to take a couple shots with his favorite books. hunter is so easy going and has the most adorable facial expressions. he lights up my world! oxo