Wednesday, September 24, 2014

first of fall...

and i fell in love! so, long story short i knew melissa when her daughter justyce was just a tiny tot. fast forward ten years, and now justyce is a big sister to baby cayde. to watch these two interact is just incredible. justyce LOVES her little brother, but i mean come on, what is not to love with this cutie? i cannot get over his hair, curls, on curls on curls.  cadye was full of smiles, and would smile ten times bigger at his sister when she danced and sang to him. even though he is just 6 months young, cadye already has some looks that will stop you in your tracks. (((i think he gets those from daddy))) dad was such a good sport and never once mentioned anything he would rather be doing than taking pictures. haha
this post is a little late, so my apologies. but when i get a message from (super)mom after delivering proofs saying "I love all of them." it makes me smile, a lot. oxxo

Monday, September 15, 2014

sun, sand & such a sweetie...

jamie owned her session. we chose to do her session in colonial beach virginia. the location was perfect, that town is just oozing character. and of course, the locals had nothing but nice things to say about jamie. not only is jamie just stunning, she is one of the sweetest gals you will ever meet. i was thrilled when she asked me to do some new portfolio pictures for her. after all, jamie is kind of famous! she has appeared in both print and television. really, jamie knew what shots she was looking for, so i just stood behind the lens and let her do her thing, it's obvious, she has done this before.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

i'm one....

and on the run. literally. hunter was on the move for his first birthday session. we went to greenwell state park, which also happens to be where his parents said "i do". the location was perfect for his session. the wide open fields allowed for him to run his little heart out. we even found a tree for daddy to sit him on. he loved it! he is quite the skilled climber and this guy is fearless! leave it to his awesome momma to bring along goodies she crafted for his party. the theme of the hungry caterpillar was just perfect; hunter loves to eat.
and just like big sister lilly, hunter LOVES when his daddy tosses him up into the air. after dad stopped, hunter signed "more." it's little moments like this that just make my day. happy birthday handsome! oxo