Saturday, December 13, 2014

this family is...

hands down, super awesome. i love how they each have such unique personalities. mom makes the whole "two under the age of two" look effortless. i didn't even need to bribe dad to smile. biggest brother evan would rather being throwing baseballs with his dad, but was so helpful when it came to rounding up the little ones. hannah was smiling already and waited ever so patiently. brandon was having more fun throwing leaves and playing with the cat that lives on the farm. and lil adam, well he is just the squishiest lil guy that just goes with the flow.  and somehow, all these personalities just mesh. i love working with families. they are a sweet reminder of just how incredible life is. thanks again guys...i'm lovin' your family!oxo

Friday, December 12, 2014

you would never know...

from their warm smiles that these gorgeous gals were freezing. it was so cold & windy but they were such good sports. we were able to find some relief from the wind in downtown leonardtown. their mom wanted some portraits of the two of them since big sister is home from college.  i have said it before, but it is really an awesome feeling to work with families again & again.  i am blessed to watch these gals grow up and capture a few fleeting moments.
to me, the highlight of the session was not a single image, but when mom was watching over my shoulder as i was posing & clicking, looked at her girls and said, "well at least i know i have done something right." mom was just beaming with pride. why yes, mom you have. you have raised two amazing girls that are sweet & strong, just like you! i hope that when you look at your portraits you are reminded, just in case you ever forget. oxo

Sunday, December 7, 2014

this family went...

down on the farm! i was so excited when this awesome group wanted to do family portraits at the tree farm. these guys were loads of fun and kept me laughing. the awesome part about what i do is that i get to see behind the scenes. the love that this mom & dad have for each other is truly remarkable. when they look at each other its like i can see the hearts in their eyes. they are still lovebirds. and this is why i love what i do. oxxo