emma is the spitting image of her momma. she is a plate of sweet with a side of sass. the way her nose crinkles when she smiles just makes me cheese like a fool. jeremy is the more serious, let's do business kind of guy. he didn't really find humor in my "stinky feet" slogan but managed to crack a smile or two. watching jeremy with emma together shows me everything an older brother should be. it's obvious, he loves that little girl. let's not forget hubs, who treats mary like the gem she is while still having the "lets keep it real attitude". these two have the relationship that makes me laugh at their jokes and owww and awwww over their adorable shenanigans. what could be better?!?
this was just one of those sessions that just warms my heart. on cold dreary days like today, i think back to the laughs and memories and it's like instant soul food. this is the good stuff. oxxo