Monday, November 20, 2017

3 years young...

and teaching HUGE lessons about life. yep, that's lil' miss lily. this was my 4th session with the williams family and mom wanted 3 year birthday pictures. typically before the session i have a loose game plan of what we will do. we met at greenwell and my plan quickly went out the window as lily wanted nothing to do with me, my ideas or my ridiculous attempts to get laughs. she clung to her dad like velcro. in not so many words lily said, "NOT TODAY."  this gave me a minute to rethink my plan and boy it was incredible.
it was honestly just what i needed. so instead of "sitting on the stool like a big girl" we walked around the grounds, made friends with the horses, explored, smelled flowers and threw rocks in the water. she sat on mom's shoulders and marveled in the fact that she could touch the leaves. dad threw her up in the air so she could touch the sky.
this is nothing what i had planned for, however this session was incredibly good for my soul. thanks for the gentle reminder to marvel in the little moments. these memories are priceless.oxxo

Saturday, November 11, 2017


to warmer weather, sunshine & sand; and this cutie pie turning ONE! this lil' diva just makes the world go round with her water blue eyes and sweet sass. there is something about tutus, tiny teeth and big smiles that gets me; every time. we hung out in solomons island to celebrate and eat donuts. mom, dad & even big sister hung out with us. i mean, could a session get any better, really?! not hardly!
*EXCEPT for the fact that lil' miss norah is going to be a BIG sister. i'm over the moon excited for this family. they are expecting another little blessing and i cannot wait to watch their family grow.