Monday, October 18, 2010

oh baby!

so anyone that even kinda knows me knows that i have an absolute, hands down, no holding back, LOVE for babies! even as a child, i remember being drawn to them like a magnet, often times giving up "hang-out" time with my peers to spend time with their younger siblings....(crazy, i know) at 11 years old, most of my weekends were spent, you guessed it, babysitting.  and i was thrilled!  its amazing that what started out smaller than a speck of sand has grown into this miraculous little human. is a baby not the definition of pure perfection?!? ohh and that smell, that clean, crisp, sweet baby smell...if it came in bottle form, i'd buy stock in it! babies provide me with pure joy, unrelenting happiness and blissful moments that i will treasure forever. in turn, i love them...hold and cuddle them, talk to them like the little people they are, and capture some memories in between. 

so i owe a HUGE thank you to the Cail family, for letting me play with their precious miracle, Baby Z. talk about one proud papa, who was already showing me albums that momma had put together, and Baby Z is only a month old! and momma's smile never once left her face!  it was obvious just how ecstatic these parents are. and just how much they love their miracle. and BIG brother Colby (ok, so he has 4 legs and fur) was awesome! so here are a few, ok maybe more than a few, but seriously, how can i not post them all!
*disclaimer, Baby Z has blue eyes as big as the sea, i got lost in them! 

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