Saturday, June 4, 2011

sweet summertime...

(that's just me catching my breath!)
boy oh boy! i have been so thankful to spend time with the most amazing lil' gems EVER!
*gems, yes plural!
i am thankful enough to have such gracious friends (but i consider them family) that allow to capture life's moments. and while we are on the topic of gems, zachary will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart, as he was my first official lil' gem that i have been so thankfully welcomed into his life by his wonderful parents.  not only do i get to do zachary's portraits, but i also get to watch zachary so his devoted momma and daddy can have a date night...pretty amazing huh?!? i think so. i've said it once, and i will say it a million times, there is just something special that a baby brings into a house...and i love it!
 it had been a couple months since we were able to do portraits of zachary, so i was thrilled that the weather cooperated and we were able to do some outside portraits, although zachary much preferred the indoor studio, as he was not a big fan of the grass! regardless, we got some pretty sweet portraits!  and i think if i had two words to describe zachary at this session, hmmm?!?  mover and a shaker! he was on the go, which was great because then i didn't feel as guilty skipping the gym! thanks guys!

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