Sunday, November 6, 2011

forever begins today....

and i was astounded to be a part of today
this was my first wedding in a couple of years, wait, actually about 4 years.  for a while i took a reluctant break from photography, which is the one THING i love the most.
i love babies and people, but if i had to love a thing, be it cars, house, money or status, photography is the thing i LOVE! i was thrilled to welcome photography back into my life, and a few months later, a request for a wedding photographer that i just couldn't turn down.  
when we met for their engagement session, it's as if we picked up right where we left off, never missing a beat.  and laura, that is why i love you.  you are still the same hilarious, loveable and down to earth girl that i remember from yesterdays...
i've toyed with the idea of focusing my energy on babies and families, seniors, and events...but i do believe that after documenting laura and darrell's day of love i have a renewed passion for weddings.
and unlike myself (or at least how i picture it) laura did not have a list of portraits that she "had to have" her requests were simple and i swear, laura was the most laid back bride who was just thrilled that the much anticipated day had finally arrived and she was ready to celebrate!
but i mentioned LOVE, and to philosophers, well versed authors, and poets, love is described as a feeling.
at times uncontrollable, unexplainable, and better to have had once than never at all.
but on laura and darrell's special day, i saw love...throughout the day, simple gestures and looks.  it wasn't until i began the process of ohhhing and awwwing over the portraits in the days that followed that i realized i was able to capture love....and if one hasn't seen love, but perhaps merely felt it (which is amazing to say the least)...ladies and gentlemen, THIS is LOVE.

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