Friday, December 30, 2011

...better days are on the way,

(i promise)
it would only have come from my best friend, who just so happens to be my sister. she knew i was in a sort of tidal wave and gave me an adorable plaque to remind me sunshine and smooth sailing was ahead.
and it's ironic because sometimes the ones closest to us, that help us out the most don't get the praise that is owed to them, i am guilty of that.
basically, my sister is my hero, always has been and always will be. she and i share a bond that is indescribable.
and the saying, "everything happens for a reason"...yeah it does, and she is my proof. 
so i was so eager give back to someone who has given me so much. i was ready to capture a family portrait, to include their new addition to big pug brother, scooter, english bulldog sunny (aka mr. sunny sun sunshine)
and just how amazing is my sister? after seeking a companion for scooter, countless hours researching decided on an english bulldog. rather than purchasing one, my sister (and her equally wonderful husband) decided to adopt
and in comes sunny, 70 pounds of pure lovin', head shakin' drool slinging adorableness.

the adoption wasn't all fields of daises, sunny has some trust issues, through no fault of his own and requires attention, actually make that EXTRA attention. i was completely taken aback by the sheer amount of work both my sister and brother have put into sunny and making him a part of their family. so to be a part of their first family portrait...pure bliss!
we started with the two of them, and i mean really i probably could have closed my eyes and snapped the portrait, yes they are just that photogenic....gorgeous people, inside and out.
and then it came time for the group! and my sister was so anxious to have their first family portrait. scooter sat with his daddy while my sister attempted to wrangle the seventy pound furbaby to sit in the picture. i could only imagine what sunny was thinking, these people are so silly, i'm not going to sit next to them, i'm going to get treats from my auntie (ME). so i realized that bribing him with treats maybe wasn't the best plan of action.

<---yep that's sunny, walking right out of the portrait, LOVE it. and then my sister, so excited to have him back (further away from her than she thought) says oh amanda, get it get i did!

 thank goodness she has long arms! haha

  and sunny, the smart brute he is, finally agrees to sit with his family, and refuses to look at me, however 
scooters expression is priceless! 

and then, sunny said i've had enough and decided to get some play time in with his brother, with a little game of tag....
but then, ah ha! we got it! yep! that's it....thanks for bringing sunshine to my world!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these photos full of love and fun ! ! Thank you for bring sunshine into my world ! ! xoxo
