Sunday, September 22, 2013

must be a miracle...

and here's the proof. sometimes life has it's own way of how things should work. life is joy and pain, laughter and tears. the song that comes to my mind is by gary allan. "life ain't always beautiful" but as gary says, "its a beautiful ride" oxo
speaking of beautiful, here is annie! she is the sweetest angel, and is just treasured by her momma and papa. and seriously, what's not to love?!? she is just oozing cuteness!
although we had not planned on waiting this long to get this lil star in front of the camera, she was worth the wait! she is so expressive and in love with her daddy. not even two months old and smiles for her daddy like no other. to see the two of them together just melts my heart. and once again, i am gently reminded how lucky i am to do what i love.

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