Friday, December 20, 2013

oh annie...

i just love you so! annie came back and this time her awesome parents joined in for their first family portraits. i have said from the first time i met annie that her parents were blessed with an amazing little girl. i really think she is the next gerber baby. she is just an absolute delight. perfect in every way- and the best arm rolls i have seen, EVER!
she was such a trooper, we did a few clothes changes and then miss annie needed a little nap. when she woke up 20 minutes later she was just as happy as a clam. seriously, a baby that wakes up smiling?!? teach me your secrets annie!
i love this family, ALOT! and what better way then to celebrate the holidays then with the ones you love?
p.s. santa loves her too!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

this family...

was awesome! i think as a photographer everyone kinda has the family that they say, "oh i'd love to do their pictures some day" kinda get ideas in your head of what poses you can do and such...
(((or maybe i'm the only one?!?)))
hello campbell family! i was thrilled when they asked me to do portraits for them. i had ideas already churning, and yes smoke may have been coming out of my ears. but i'm glad because this session was awesome and my ideas worked! (((yay)))
brendan is all boy and loved working for the camera. makayla is the sweetest lil' girl. so quiet and polite. together these kiddos make the perfect team. and throw in two totally awesome parents, and boy we have ourselves an incredible crew.
thanks for an awesome session guys! can't wait to include your four legged furbaby in a session too!
(((enough rambling, i think the pictures speak for themselves)))

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

...tis the season

and this is a pretty jolly one! i've been humbled by the amount of christmas portraits i have done this season. some days i have to take a step back and say wow! all of my clients, new and returning have made this season an incredible one.
the cail's have allowed me to capture their memories since zachary was a itty bitty. now he is 3 years old, smart as a whip and love to stand "stage" and pose. he's a natural. i think one day he will become my assistant, as he posed his dad on "stage" and said, "ok look here and say stinky feet". seriously this kiddo is too much. and almost the total opposite of her brother is baby kelsey. you really wouldn't even know she was there. not a peep out of her and just lets out the sweetest smiles when you talk. i love it.
this is their first family of four picture...and they are just adorable! oxo

Monday, December 16, 2013

lots of laughter

at this session. these kiddos have grown up right before my eyes. i remember the first time savanna came over for pictures, she screamed the entire time. that was three years ago, and boy has she changed.
these kids were all about getting their pictures done, and when were were finished, zach said oh that's it?!? how's that for quick! these kiddos rolled through their session and were laughing the entire time.

santa came to town!

and these kiddos were thrilled. i think they were shocked really. santa was waiting in the studio when they arrived for their session, and they were pretty much speechless. i told them that santa was all theirs, they could tell him whatever they wanted for christmas...and they just stared at him.
it was pretty magical actually. santa asked them what they wanted, and santa suggested play station 4. without missing a beat, evan says, "nah, i'm more of an outdoors kid. i really want a bike." my heart was bursting at this point! and hannah asked for a bracelet kit and an air pump for her brother's bike.
seriously kiddos?!? how cool is that?!? apparently kids do appreciate the simpler things in life.
this session was fun from start to finish. mom had an idea and we pulled off without a hitch.
(((i love when that happens))) :::no kiddos were harmed during this session, promise!:::
thanks for coming over guys! this session was awesome!

Friday, December 13, 2013

just remember...

"be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." 
and it isn't until you talk to someone, you just might learn of them. i noticed an adorable stuffed animal at my last session that kept inching his way towards the studio setup; by means of big brother mj. i really didn't think much about it; thought wow, this kid loves this frog.
it wasn't until mom said, well i have three kids; 2 of which are here but the frog was his favorite toy.
i stopped in my tracks, held back tears and made sure that little frog was included too.
i love kids and moms and dads; the sense of family and all that it encompasses. and i love being able to capture their story in parts as it is shared with me.
and this family was awesome! mj was so in tune with his sister sadie, it was really incredible. it's like he knew exactly what she wanted, even though she can't say the words. and lil miss sadie's expressions were priceless; i think this first one is an all time favorite...she seems pretty happy with the crazy lady that is in her face talking all kinds of silly. thanks sadie for making me feel not so crazy!

this lil' guy...