Monday, December 16, 2013

santa came to town!

and these kiddos were thrilled. i think they were shocked really. santa was waiting in the studio when they arrived for their session, and they were pretty much speechless. i told them that santa was all theirs, they could tell him whatever they wanted for christmas...and they just stared at him.
it was pretty magical actually. santa asked them what they wanted, and santa suggested play station 4. without missing a beat, evan says, "nah, i'm more of an outdoors kid. i really want a bike." my heart was bursting at this point! and hannah asked for a bracelet kit and an air pump for her brother's bike.
seriously kiddos?!? how cool is that?!? apparently kids do appreciate the simpler things in life.
this session was fun from start to finish. mom had an idea and we pulled off without a hitch.
(((i love when that happens))) :::no kiddos were harmed during this session, promise!:::
thanks for coming over guys! this session was awesome!

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