Monday, October 6, 2014

devin & peyton...

stole my heart, again. i didn't think it was possible to love these guys even more.  i first met this awesome family right after peyton was born. i immediately fell in love. i was so excited when mom contacted me to do peyton's three month portraits and a school picture or two for devin. 
big brother devin is wise beyond his years. we had some pretty awesome conversation while building cities with blocks about the united states of america and the tri-state area. i mean, really?!? this kiddo just had me in awe. i sometimes joke with the older siblings about keeping the baby, just to see their reaction. when i asked devin if peyton could spend the night he said, "Yes, and of course i will too." he is super protective of his sister and i LOVE it!  did i mention that he loves my furbabies as well? like wanted to come upstairs to play with them during his session kind of love. bella & brodi were happy to have a new friend!
and lil miss peyton, well she was FULL of smiles! i usually do the peek-a-boo game with little ones her age. she was smiling, but not those big gummy cheeses that i just love. and i will never forget what momma said to get her to smile. "Just tell her she is beautiful and gorgeous. She loves to hear that, just like all girls do." i melted, and so did peyton. it worked!
it's times like these when i reflect about how lucky i am to capture these memories for families. i am beyond blessed and treasure each and every moment i get to spend with the kiddos and their awesome parents. these sessions are the highlights of my week! oxo

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