Thursday, April 16, 2015

this lil' firecracker...

stole my heart. from the minute i saw abigale with her soulful eyes and healthy set of cheeks, i was done. i fell in love with this kid. she warmed up to me right away which was a pleasant surprise considering she is two. abigale loves to explore and is very independent. she knows what she wants and just how to get it. i LOVE her fearless attitude. we didn't plan on using the vintage trike for her session, but i mean hey, she wanted it. i had the cutest gerber daises that matched her dress, which she quickly tossed to get on the bike. to meet a kiddo that loves a bike as much as me, i can't even complain. haha

and life has a funny way of working out. despite how much we plan, pray and plead, sometimes it doesn't always go as we hoped, or as we think it should. i know abigale's momma would agree that this lil' blessing came at just the right time. babies have an awesome way like that.

 i feel like i have said it a million times before, but babies & lil' kiddos bring me so much joy. seeing the world through the eyes of a child is just incredible.  one of the greatest feelings is being able to capture fleeting moments for families to remember. time flies, faster than we realize. so thanks momma, for allowing me to capture these memories for you. oxxo

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


is an understatement when it comes to these two.  i was approached by sara & chris at our gym. they both wanted portraits to document their incredible transformation prior to their physique competitions. so i was pretty excited to say the least. i admire the dedication these two have. i think that if you ask anyone that competes. they will tell you it is one of the most challenging yet rewarding decisions. the process is long and often the last few weeks are the most trying.
i witnessed firsthand the tremendous progress that sara had achieved. i felt an instant connection to sara because i can totally relate to her journey. my heart was overflowing when i realized i would be able to tell her story. she picked me to document her progress. so amanda pearl clearly stepped out her shell and i LOVED every minute of it.
there is just something about this duo that amazes me. their passion for life & fitness is undeniable. these two have a certain spark about them and it is contagious. they have taken the advice of many (((including myself))) and have started  i couldn't be more excited for them! 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

spring time sweetie...

lil' miss olivia is almost TWO! i CANNOT believe just how much she has grown. she is just the sweetest gal. and when she had these adorable sunglasses on when she got out of the car, i knew then i had a little diva on my hands. she was an absolute delight. we were blessed with good weather and belly laughs at greenwell state park.
i couldn't believe just how willing she was to do anything i asked. any pose i wanted to try, she was ready. and when i laid her on her belly, she gave me the same little wrinkled nose smile she did when she was an infant. I LOVED IT!
and here's to (super)mom; this quote just kept playing over & over in my head.
"Here's to strong women. May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them." oxo