Wednesday, April 15, 2015


is an understatement when it comes to these two.  i was approached by sara & chris at our gym. they both wanted portraits to document their incredible transformation prior to their physique competitions. so i was pretty excited to say the least. i admire the dedication these two have. i think that if you ask anyone that competes. they will tell you it is one of the most challenging yet rewarding decisions. the process is long and often the last few weeks are the most trying.
i witnessed firsthand the tremendous progress that sara had achieved. i felt an instant connection to sara because i can totally relate to her journey. my heart was overflowing when i realized i would be able to tell her story. she picked me to document her progress. so amanda pearl clearly stepped out her shell and i LOVED every minute of it.
there is just something about this duo that amazes me. their passion for life & fitness is undeniable. these two have a certain spark about them and it is contagious. they have taken the advice of many (((including myself))) and have started  i couldn't be more excited for them! 

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