Wednesday, July 1, 2015

PEYTON is...

ONE! i can't believe that it has been an entire year!  it seems like just yesterday i was invited to their home for her newborn session and now here we are chasing her around the fields of greenwell state park in her birthday tutu. this lil' gal is still just as sweet as can be and has a smile that just lights up my world.
mom found  ruffle bottom britches, which i think are just one of the cutest things, ever. petyon rocked those along with the tutu her momma made. we couldn't have asked for better weather. and big brother devon never fails to crack me up. this guy is wise beyond his years and says exactly what is on his mind.  this session was filled with love, laughter and all the other fun stuff that comes with turning one. kudos to mom and dad, you have two amazing kiddos!  happy birthday beautiful, goregous peyton! oxxo

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