Monday, December 21, 2015

'tis the season...

for laughs, cheer and good company. this year has been a true reflection of just that. this family kicked off the holiday season with a bang! i dusted off some of my christmas swag and headed out to sotterley. i think they were having just as much fun as me because they never really stopped smiling. i was thrilled! dad kept the jokes coming and the time just flew by. despite the crazy wind and chill that winter brought, these guys were troopers. when you nail a few poses that mom really wanted; SCORE! thanks for the laughs and good times. you guys are awesome! oxo

this little family....

reminded me the apple does not fall far from the tree. i went to school with caden's dad and will always remember him as the jokester of the class. he never failed to make us laugh with his crazy off the wall humor. i remember when he proudly burped the entire alphabet, not.even.kidding. while caden is a bit more reserved than his dad, it's clear he still got his dad's sense of humor. this lil' guy had me laughing so much by the end of the session my cheeks hurt. kari is hands down, the sweetest gal. she has the patience of a saint and an incredible sense of humor; which i think is pretty much mandatory with these two fellas. the three of these people together make a pretty stinkin' cute little family. thanks again guys for a great time! oxo

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

small towns...

make my world go 'round. hands down one of my favorite places to have sessions. this gorgeous momma chose downtown fredericksburg. the location could not have been any better. the weather and the busy streets were most kind to us. holiday spirits were high as several people stopped to "ohhhhh & awe" over brooks. honestly though, how could you not?!? stunning blue eyes and cheeks for days; and a smile that will make you weak in your knees. this kid has it all. also, this handsome charmer let me trot him thru the town once our session was over. i was on cloud nine.  when mom asks for a few updated head shots; note to self, just sit back and let her do her thing cause she rocked 'em!  thanks for spending the day with me! you guys are my faves! oxo


hollywood. literally. reilly and i hung out at sotterley plantation for her session. a guitar, couple outfits, awesome weather and a pretty incredible 14 year old made this session epic. reilly has a calming confidence about her that made her a natural in front of the camera. she needed very little direction and had ideas of what she wanted her portraits to look like. i think we nailed it.  so who knows, maybe she can use these for her album cover or for modeling agencies. i have a feeling this is the start of something incredible. Gooooo Reilly! oxo

forever grateful...

for humble beginnings. matt & brittney were one of my first sessions once i decided to run with the whole "amanda pearl photography" gig. i will always remember how these two rocked that session and how much fun we had. in the years since, they both seem to be pretty big fans of my photography venture, however; it seemed as though their incredible little daughter norah was not as big a fan of me, my photography or my crazy antics; UNTIL now. i just love this independent, smart and charming little girl. the older she gets, the more her personality shines and i am just smitten. i could not believe how many giggles and smiles she shared with me. by the end of the session i think she had promoted me to best friend level. she let me hold her hand as we walked thru greenwell state park. heart.melted. thanks again briscoe family! oxxo

Monday, December 7, 2015

if laughter is medicine...

(((which i beleive it is))) i got my dose from this family. i had the opportunity to work with this hilarious family once again and i was thrilled!  this family was up for anything and suggested historic saint marys college for their session. lil' guy declan reminds me so much of my little brother it is insane. he is a hilarious, free spirited ball of energy that adds an element of fun to his session. this kid had me laughing until my cheeks hurt. mom, dad & older brother were a pleasure, as always. once we wrapped up at the college we snuck out to piney point for a bit. i was thrilled the weather even allowed us to enjoy the beach.
once again, THANKS for the belly laughs, memories and amazing smiles. oxxo

                                                            p.s. this kid---LOVE it!