Tuesday, December 15, 2015

small towns...

make my world go 'round. hands down one of my favorite places to have sessions. this gorgeous momma chose downtown fredericksburg. the location could not have been any better. the weather and the busy streets were most kind to us. holiday spirits were high as several people stopped to "ohhhhh & awe" over brooks. honestly though, how could you not?!? stunning blue eyes and cheeks for days; and a smile that will make you weak in your knees. this kid has it all. also, this handsome charmer let me trot him thru the town once our session was over. i was on cloud nine.  when mom asks for a few updated head shots; note to self, just sit back and let her do her thing cause she rocked 'em!  thanks for spending the day with me! you guys are my faves! oxo

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