Monday, December 5, 2016

all the feels...

life has a crazy way of blessing me with some pretty AMAZING people. i often reminisce on my early photography days of working in the studio at target. i remember this handsome baby boy named raice who had soulful brown eyes. his military themed session will always be one that stands out to me.
fast forward to now, years later and through a local cycling group, i met one of the ride leaders named brad. after talking about family, life and all that jazz, he of course mentions his wife, daughter and his son named raice. i had a lightbulb moment. i said, "is this the same raice that got his pictures taken at target when he was just a baby?" To which brad looked kinda suprised but smiled and said "yep". whoa. so hold your horses because raice is now an even more handsome young man. i still have a hard time wrapping my head around just how fast these kiddos grow up. he is the proud big brother to zoey, who is a sweet little diva.
at times, life is crazy hectic chaos. i know. i get it. mom had asked about booking a session a while back. between two working parents, sports and that crazy thing we call life, the time to squeeze in a session was just not there. BUT, finally the stars DID align for us. we got around to planning a session and met at jefferson patterson park in calvert county. which by the way, if you haven't been, you are missing out. that place is a gem.
i was so excited to finally have the opportunity to work with this family. i feel like mom had been wanting these pictures for a while, which makes me anxious to dive in. if you've had a session with me before, sometimes when i'm taking pictures i just get so excited that i have to share. i show off the treasured image on the back of the camera like the winning lotto ticket. because to me, i did hit big. that image is PRICELESS.
so i'm clicking away, having a blast capturing moments for this family and i turn to show the image to mom & dad and their reaction left me speechless. mom said with eyes welling up with tears, "you know when you wait so long for something and you have high expectations, well you have exceeded them. i am just so happy." and add in dad who couldn't say much but he didn't need to- his face said it all. my heart was literally bursting. THIS is why i do what i do. exactly why.
people say that aside from a feeling, love is a commitment, a decision, a choice you make everyday. i agree with that. i also agree that i saw love on this day, and i will always remember that. oxxo


  1. Dang it....your write up had me chocking back tears at my do beautiful work and I meant what I exceeded my expectations...thank you, thank you, thank you :) xo

  2. You truly captured the love that this family shares. Beautiful job on the pictures! Photography is definitely a priceless job and girl... YOU GOT IT!

  3. Love your thoughts and expression of them...just made me cry...then looking at my amazing son and daughter-in-law and my 2 incredible grandchildren and how you captured their love, their unique beauty and the soul of each... made my heart soar and my eyes overflow!! Thank you for sharing your talent ...your gift ...and capturing mine. Xo Judy Sawyer

  4. I'm crying! You're right. This family is absolutely amazing. They're all beautiful inside and out. You did an amazing job at capturing that

  5. I'm crying! You're right. This family is absolutely amazing. They're all beautiful inside and out. You did an amazing job at capturing that
