Wednesday, January 25, 2017

since it's 50 degrees and sunny today...

let's go back to when it was a wee bit colder. despite the chilly temps at sotterley for this session, this family certainly warmed my heart. or it could have been that i was running around like a fool trying to get the littles to smile, which then i passed that torch onto mom & dad (not everyone thinks i'm THAT funny). oh and did i mention there are TWINS in this fun bunch?!? a group picture of the seven grands was on the agenda, and while at first i focused on all seven looking at the camera and smiling, i'm in love with the one i captured because sometimes personalities are better than smiles.
 holidays are a favorite of mine simply because i love the memories and togetherness they bring. typically, schedules are crazy busy around this time but when a last minute session is scheduled and goes off without a hitch, that is cause for a celebration. this group has included me in some important family milestones and i'm humbled to be a part of them. i have watched the grand kiddo count go from three to seven and the love, well that just keeps growing as well. we are never short of laughter with this group and these sisters had me in stitches. kicking the new year off right by sharing some of my favorites that made the holidays a little sweeter. oxxo

and sometimes, even though santa is watching, you just gotta cry and pout....

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