Monday, October 27, 2014

meet my mini-me...

i am pretty sure that if i was 25 years younger, ava and i could pass as twins. i was super excited to finally capture some portraits for this awesome family; who just so happens to now be a part of my family. life has a funny way of working out sometimes! mom & dad are incredible people, so of course no surprise that ava is just as wonderful! i just cannot get enough of ava. she is just hands down adorable and then she has this incredible personality. she acts far beyond her age and will carry on a conversation with you like an adult. she is full of energy; we had an impromptu dance party during our session. she is a little firecracker that i love to be around.
and did i mention that mom found an awesome halloween costume for lil miss ava. although she wanted to be elsa, mom went with a rainbow instead. i don't think that any other costume would have been more perfect! even though she wrinkled her nose, she LOVED it! she rocked the rainbow!
so i will cut to the is a whole lot of awesome! oxo

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