Sunday, November 2, 2014

fabulous family...

with furbabies. i knew i was not the only person who refers to my dogs as my kiddos. lauren & brandon do as well! this awesome couple along with their ridiculously adorable fur children had a sweet & slobbery session at sotterly.  max & mocha quickly won my heart. they each have such a unique personality. max sometimes thinks he is a lap dog, and although mocha is smaller ((and by smaller, i mean 130lbs instead of 160)) clearly, she runs the show. maximus was their first born, and mocha was a rescue pup. families that rescue will always hold a special place in my heart. mocha is a well adjusted rescue, thanks to the hard work of her momma & daddy.
i was just smitten with this family! they were so easy to relate to; and i felt like i had known them forever. this was my first solely furbaby family session, and they rocked it!

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